Survival Korean

Basic Korean

This a Sneak Peak of Survival Korean

As high demanding of English education in South Korea, majority of people there don’t really speak good English therefore It is good idea to have basic skill to work, live and travel in Korea. You will find this interesting! 


Anyeong hase-yo

"Excuse me"


"My name is John"

Je e rum eun John eim ni da
제이름은 John 입니다.

"Where is toilet?"

odiga hwajangsil e eyo
어디가 화장실 이에요?

Here we go BTS,
BangTan Sonyeondan

Group name meanings :  Just as a bulletproof vest blocks bullets, it contains the meaning that teenagers and 20-somethings who go through hard times in their lives will block the hardships and prejudice they go through and confidently protect their musical values.

방탄복이 총알을 막아내는 것처럼, 살아가는 동안 힘든 일을 겪는 10대, 20대가 겪는 힘든 일과 편견을 막아내고 자신들의 음악적 가치를 당당히 지켜내겠다는 의미를 담고 있다.

BTS Korean
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